
The Business, Computer Science and Applied Technologies Division offers a wide range of classes, with state-of-the art facilities and instructors who have extensive experience in their fields.

We offer courses to serve working professionals as well as students who are working toward a degree or transfer to a four-year institution. Our programs include Accounting, Automotive Technology, Business, Computer Aided Design and Digital Imaging, Computer Science, Manufacturing and CNC Technology, and Real Estate. With these programs, you will find many opportunities to earn both certificates and degrees.

Division Locations

Division Office: The division office is located in Room L14 of the L1 Building near the lower fountain of the main campus near Parking Lot B. When coming some distance to see us in the office, please call 408.864.8796 ahead of time, to ensure that we are in the office to greet you.

Computer Lab: Our Accounting and Computer Information Science Computer Lab is located in room AT 203 in the Advanced Technology Center.

 Division Office Hours 

  • Monday–Thursday: 8 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 
    (Available by email 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
  • We are closed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for the Summer. 

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Dean's Office

Dr. Manisha Karia



Dana Kennedy
Administrative Assistant, Senior



Office Location

Building L14
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Academic and Career Counseling

Trisha Tran

Trisha Tran
Career Training Counselor


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