2023-24 Team on San Diego Trip

Getting started with the

Four-time State Champions!

2023 State Champions!

2023 3C2A State Champs


2022 State Champions!

Mission Complete!

2022 DA Badminton Team @ Cabrillo NM

 Above: 2022-23 team in San Diego

How to Join the Team

We have nearly year-round play available IN THE GYM -- In Summer 2024, we'll have our Badminton Techniques class (PE32B CRN 13263) running Monday, some Tuesday & Wednesday evenings at 7:30 PM, preceded by Strength Development Class (PE 4XX CRN 13422) during the August 12 - September 15th session. 

All athletes take Orientation to Athletics and there is a special section for Winter and Spring athletes conducted in September on the week before the Fall Quarter starts. (PE 99, CRN 13797) Mon - Tues, Sept. 18-21 (SUMMER SCHEDULE CLASS). 

For Fall 2024 Priority registration as a Student-Athlete, enroll in the Summer PE 32B, PE 4XX and contact Coach Mark (landefeldmark@fhda.edu) ASAP.

During the Fall quarter, the team will meet in the Badminton Techniques class, PE 32B,  scheduled for Mondays, Thursdays (and a few select Tuesdays) at 7:00    The class ID number is (CRN TBA) and it will appear in the Fall schedule of classes).  Team candidates should be averaging at least three workouts each 2 weeks -- each will last 90 -180 minutes, depending on how much we play.  In order to participate in any intercollegiate competition, athletes must complete a pre-participation physical.  We expect that physicals will occur the weekend of, Aug.3-4. Subsequent physicals shoudl be coordinated with the Athletic Trainers. More details will be sent to those enrolled in Badminton Techniques during the Summer Quarter.  We expect to travel to San Diego for  the November Non-Tradtional tournament against statewide competition in additon to 1-2 local matches.

First-Time intercollegiate athletes (freshman and transfers) will take PE 99 -  Orientation to Athletics, 1 unit class conducted over 2-4 days and is conducted once on the week prior to the start of the Fall Quarter (CRN 13571 in the SUMMER session), or in week 4 of the Winter quarter (CRN: TBA) which requires some accommodation of afternoon classes in the Winter Quarter. (Enroll in the September PE 99 session for fewer conflicts!).

For the Winter Quarter enroll in Intercollegiate Badminton P E -038W (CRN: ) and Coach Mark will distribute the specific training schedule in December (regular Winter practices are Monday evening at 6 PM and Tue & Thu afternoons 2 PM - 5:30 PM.   Contact Coach Mark for more information.

Training frequency may increase as the competition schedule approaches.

Scrimmages and pre-season tournaments commence in February with local tournament-type play, the Spring Break trip to Southern California and Coast Conference play running mid-March through early May.  The 2025 State Championships are the second weekend of May at City College of San Francisco. https://www.deanzasports.com/sports/wbadminton/2024-25/schedule

Academic Requirements: Full-time student status (min 9 academic units and 3 units of the intercollegiate women's badminton course for a total of at least 12 quarter units during the competitive season -- Winter quarter), 10.5 academic and 1.5 intercollegiate badminton in Spring quarter). Freshman or first-time competitors do not have a unit requirement for the Fall, but they should earn at least a 2.0 GPA in all work attempted. Sophomores or students who wish to compete for a second season must have completed 36 academic units from Winter quarter through the quarter prior to your second season of competition. Athletes must maintain at least a 2.0 grade average. Our academic counselor, Louise Madrigal (madrigallouise@deanza.edu) can help you with more details in this area. Just call 408.864.5842.

Athletic Requirements: No previous competitive badminton experience is required to join the intercollegiate badminton class and try out for the team. All interested athletes are encouraged to register in the Fall course and join in the training. The traveling team will be based on student's ability and commitment to building a successful team. New participants in Winter Quarter are subject to an evaluation.

If you have other questions, please contact Coach Mark at 408-864-8541 / landefeldmark@fhda.edu

Important dates
  • Summer Session -- Badminton Techniques (PE 32B, CRN 13263), Strength Development (PE 4XX, CRN 13422) Mon/Wed evenings at 5:30 PM starting August 14th.
  • Orientation to Athletics -- (PE 99, CRN 13571) Mon - Wed, Sept. 18-20 (SUMMER SESSION in SCHEDULE OF CLASSES). 
  • First Fall class meeting, Monday, September 23rd at 7:00 PM, in PE21 (Main gym) -- PE 32BX WOMEN'S Badminton Techniques, (CRN 27353),  Monday, Tuesday & Thursday  evenings
  • Summer Session Aug. 3-4, (TBA) Pre-Physical exams to be arranged with trainers -- bring paper copy of Health Insurance card. This is necessary for any Fall competition (scrimmages).
Winter Quarter 2025: 
  • PE 38W -- Women's Intercollegiate Badminton (CRN TBA), training Mon at 6:00 PM, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2 PM (get calendar from Coach Mark).  Sunday training May be added in March.
  • Winter Quarter Week 1,  Pre-Physical exams to be arranged with trainers on Jan 12th, if not completed in the Fall -- bring paper copy of Health Insurance card.
  • PE 99: Orientation to Athletics (PE 99, CRN TBA); Mon-Thu, Jan 23 - Fri Jan 27, appx 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM on Mon-Thu, 9:30 AM - 12: 30 PM Friday).  Some days' lessons will be available on-line
  • Competitions: Scrimmages and Tournament play begin in February 2024 and Coast Conference play starts in March (Tue/Thur afternoon matches) through Coast Conference and CCCAA State Championships in mid-May.

Head Coach

Mark Landefeld
Head Women's Badminton Coach



PE 51A

Awards & Championships

  • 2023 CCCAA State Champions
  • 2023 Coast Conference Champions
  • 2022 CCCAA State Champions
  • 2022 Coast Conference Champions
  • 2022 California Scholar-Athlete Team
  • 2017 California Scholar-Athlete Team
  • 2017 Coast Conference Co-Champions
  • 2014 CCCAA State Champions
  • 2014 California Scholar-Athlete Team
  • 2013 CCCAA State Champions


  • 2023 #1 in California (14-0)
  • 2022 #1 in California (15-0)
  • 2019 #3 in California (8-2)
  • 2017 #3 in California (8-3)
  • 2016 #4 in California (6-4)
  • 2015 #2 in California (8-2)
  • 2014 #1 in California (11-0)
  • 2013 #1 in California (10-0)
  • 2012 #4 in California (7-3)
  • 2011 #3 in California (7-2)
  • 2010 #3 in California (7-3)
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