The De Anza Academic Senate
Approved Notes for the meeting of
June 16th , 2008
Senators and Officers present: Argyriou, Bambhania, Chenoweth, Coleman, Cordero, Dolen, Gallegos, Goodwin, Guevara, Hanna, Hughes, Kessler, Kramer, Lathers, Lee-Klawender, Maynard, Miller, Ng-Lee, Schaffer, Setziol, Shively, Walton, and Winters
Senators and Officers absent: Glapion, Kragelot, LaManque, Mitchell , and White
DASB: Classified Senate: Al Guevara
Administrative Liaison:
Guests: Lenore Desilets, Faith Milonas, Frank Soler, Jerry Rosenberg, Lisa Markus, Kathy Plum, Barbara Illowsky, Mo Geraghty, Janice Hector, Anne Leskinen, Rich Schroeder, Beth Burruss, and Karen Luciw
Curriculum Co Chair: Anu Khanna SLO Coordinator: Maryalice Bonilla
[NOTE: Item numbers are reflective of agenda numbers in the order they
are actually taken up at the meeting.]
The meeting was called to order at 2:34, a quorum being present.
I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The Agenda was approved as distributed with Chenoweth noting that item III might be taken up before item II. Amendments to the notes were being discussed when it was MSCU (Khanna/Hanna) to table the discussion until after item III
III. Classroom Multimedia: Sharon Luciw was present primarily to receive comments and questions about electronic equipment in classrooms. There were many comments and fewer questions. In general terms, the group expressed the idea that what was needed was more equipment in more classrooms (not just those called smart) in good working order and not likely to be stolen or tampered with.
Back to item I - Chenoweth allowed a message from Schaffer to constitute a motion to reconsider an action taken at the June 9th meeting. It was confirmed that, as per the rules of order, Shaffer was allowed to move to reconsider as he was on the prevailing side June 9th. Goodwin withdrew her proposed amendment to the notes and the notes were approved as distributed with an amendment to the needs and confirmations item proposed by Schaffer and seconded by Cordero.
II. Needs and Confirmations: Doris Spangord, Anna Miller, Catherine Hrycyk, and Sherri Cozzens were confirmed for service on the Biology faculty Search and Selection Committee. Consideration of a tenure review committee for the same position was postponed. Janice Hector and David Newton were confirmed for service on the Laroslav Kryliouk Tenure Review Committee. Gary Fisher and Millia Ison were confirmed for service on the tenure review committee for the pending probationary chemistry faculty member. The item was concluded with a statement that the group may want to discuss criteria for service on committees.
IV. Professional Relations: The item was held over to the fall.
V. Committee Reports: Very briefly, Winters reported that the Student Services Planning and Budgeting Team (SSPBT) has been working on new criteria for action on program reviews by departments and has found the new joint meetings with other PBTs to be a promising development.
Other brief reports came from the ______________ (ETAC), Technology Task Force, and Environmental Sustainability sub committee
VI. Next Year Planning: The item was put in the hands of the officers to work on over the summer.
VII. Robert Griffin Resolution: Chenoweth read a resolution commending Griffin which was approved by the acclamation of a standing ovation.
VIII. Heart Walk: The item was not taken up.
IX. Good of the Order and announcements: - Goodwin opined that the Senate Constitution and By-Laws were outdated, something with which Chenoweth and Kramer concurred.
- - Winters passed around the conference program from the Equity and Diversity conference held at De Anza earlier in the year.
- - Setziol announced and presented well wishing cards and gift certificate symbols of appreciation for the work of Chenoweth and Kramer to the accompaniment of huzzahs.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05.