The De Anza Academic Senate
Approved Notes for the meeting of
May 11th, 2009
Senators and Officers present: Argyriou, Beckum, Botsford, Brennan, Cadge-Moore, Cichanski, Coleman, Cordero, Dolen, Goodwin , D. Guevara, Hanna, Hughes, Lee-Klawender, Lathers, Logvinenko, Maynard, Miller, Mitchell, Setziol, Sherby, Swanner, White, and Winters
Senators and Officers absent: Glapion, , J. Guevara, LaManque, Mjelde, and Walton
DASB: Classified Senate: Lois Jenkins
Administrative Liaison:
Guests: Randy Bryant and Judy Mowrey SLO coordinators: Curriculum Co Chair:
[NOTE: Item numbers are reflective of agenda numbers in the order they are actually taken up at the meeting.]
The meeting was called to order at 2:33, a quorum being present. Lee-Klawender began the meeting in the absence of Argyriou who was unable to start the meeting.
I. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The agenda was approved as distributed.
The notes of May 4th were approved with editing of Item IX clarifying some of what needs to be updated about the constitution and by laws and the role of the Senators in the election of division representatives.
II. Needs and Confirmations: There were no confirmations. Lee-Klawender highlighted some ongoing needs.
III. Chancellor Search Update: Argyriou focused on a Board of Trustees discussion resulting in the Board deciding not to place a member of the Board on the Search Committee.
IV. IPBT Update: Lee-Klawender reported that deliberations had yielded a recommendation for the elimination of seven FTE classified positions and a $200,000 reduction in released/reassigned time. The reduction in released/reassigned time was said to be a way to avoid additional classified cuts. It was said to be important for IPBT to send a clear message that the proposed cuts were a function of marching orders and not a message that positions lacked merit.
V. BP 4190 Academic Freedom: Argyriou presented a proposal by the officers to use the first four paragraphs of the statement on Academic Freedom currently in the Tenure Review Handbook. After some confusion about whether or not the content if not the language of the fifth paragraph should be included, the emerging consensus of the group was to use the language presented but edit out all references to that which would limit Academic Freedom.
VI. BP 6125 Grade Changes: A brief discussion yielded a request by Argyriou for the Senators to get feedback about what would be a reasonable length of time for grade changes. Also, a review of the obligation on the part of Admissions and Records to keep records "indefinitely" revealed several inconsistencies making the challenging of a grade a function of more variables than previously suspected.
VII. AP 6124 Course Repetition: A primary focus of the discussion was interpreting the phrase "a significant period of time" for repetition of a course for which a student received a passing grade. It was the sense of the Senate that changes in course content should be the determining factor in significance. It was also thought that students wanting higher grades should not merit any consideration. A presentation of a matrix of numbers of repetitions allowed revealed a complex pattern of relationships between Withdrawals and Failure. The maximum number appeared to be mindnumbingly high.
VIII. CEAG:Jpod: Setziol presented a report of a proposal made to the College Environmental Advisory Group. Jpod is a concept of having solar powered cars suspended from an overhead track and having enough of them strategically located as to make a significant contribution towards the goal of environmental sustainability. One proposed for De Anza would be a model for a much larger audience and a stimulus for a larger system in Cupertino. A concern was stated about the reality of a claim reported by Setziol that the system would generate more electricity than it used and that the college would end up being responsible for additional costs.
IX. De Anza College Mission Statement: Argyriou got clarification from the group that A) the statement should be minimal and B) there should be no reference to Institutional Core Competencies
X. Good of the Order and Announcements: - Goodwin announced that the Coalition of Independents (CCCI) had sent a statement of no confidence in Barbara Beno as head of the AACJC accreditation commission (ACCJC) as well as the AACJC itself.
- It was MSCU ( Hanna/Lathers) to approve up to $500 for a reception for newly tenured faculty.
- Mitchell received clarification regarding the election.
- The annual Duel at De Anza was announced as being scheduled for Sunday, May 17th.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:40.