General Meeting Information

Date: March 14, 2019
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:30 p.m. Introduction: Conocimiento and Check In I Edmundo Norte
    1:45 p.m. Review EAC Agreements I Alicia Cortez
    1:55 p.m. Institutional Metrics - small group activity I Alicia Cortez
    2:05 p.m.

    Subcommittee Report:

    • DASB/ICC (Steffany Djuarsa, and Doan)
    • Equity Champion Award (Eric Aragon, Hyon Chu Yi-Baker and Adriana Garcia)
    • Technology Advisory (Sandy Cordoza)
    • Outreach Conferences - Latinx - (Eric Aragon)
    2:35 p.m. Compassion and Care Dialogue -


    Melissa Aguilar & others

    2:445 p.m.


    • March 15 [10am-2:30pm @ MLC 250]: Mental Health First Aid
    • March 19 [10:30am-12:30pm] Meet and Greet for Trans Students
    • March 19 [1:30-3:30pm + May 16 [12:30-2:30pm] Cultural Humility by Veronica Neal
    • March 20: Community Care 11am-1pm @ MLC250 1:30-3:30pm @ MLC 113
    • March 21: 11:30am-1:30pm Chican/Latina Foundation Scholarship App Workshop




    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes


    Officers: Angelica Esquivel, Melissa Aguilar, Rebeca Levin, Alicia Cortez, Edmundo Norte,Erik Aragon, Carmen Lizardi-Folley, Steffani Djuarsa.

    Guests: Sherwin Mendoza, Tony Santa Ana, Danny Acosta, Cheryl Balm, Fatima Cervantes, Vanessa Bermudez, Laura Savage, Adriana Garcia, Karen Chow, Sean Crossland, Karen Hunter

    Meeting Notes

     Introduction: Conocimiento and Check In
    Review EAC Agreements aka our EAC Community Agreements From The Four-Fold Way® by Angeles Arrien, Ph.D
    1. Show up, and choose to be present
    2. Pay attention to what has heart and meaning
    3. Tell the truth without blame or judgment
    4. Be open to outcome, not attached to outcome

    Institutional Metrics
    1. Reviewed Institutional Metrics documents page 12-15.
    2. Some Equity Questions are
      1. Impression: Seems we’re not “moving the needle” but working hard at it.
      2. Equity gap! Woop woop!
      3. Our numbers are not improving
      4. How is Persistence Rate defined?
      5. Is “Success & Retention” student success or college success? Why are so many goals in terms of our “peer group”?
      6. Equity: Why is our “aspirational course completion rate for target students 74% when non-target students are at 77-80%?
      7. What happens when we fall below the Standard? Who is responsible for taking the lead in addressing this?
      8. Equity: “targeted groups will persist…” Understanding this campus wide, what is Equity measurement for each division/department?
      9. Questions: Where does info came from? Why efforts seem to be falling short?
      10. Why are success & Retention and Transfer goals in terms of absolute numbers instead of percent of students who have AA/certificate/transfer as their goal?
      11. Can we have combined Basic Skills & Equity goals e.g. max 5% gap is math success rate for target & non-target groups.
      12. How can we expand success rates & retention rates beyond class completion & AA attainment? (are they learning? Do they feel supported & safe on campus?)
      13. Are our Equity efforts working?
      14. Under Success & Retention with AB705 and discussion of assessments, how will under prepared be defined?
      15. How will Basic Skills goals change AB705?
      16. How will measures for basic skills change with AB705? Will goals be adjusted? Success and Retention: Will changes to placement change definitions of “prepared” and “unprepared?”
      17. What is the score card? Does the 1st Equity box mean persistence from quarter to quarter? Does the 2nd Equity box mean at the end of the AY?
      18. How are supporting specific programs & services & departments to help the college meet the goals?
    3. Further Discussion:
      1. College planning is going to take a look at the state vision for our work and considering the  institutional equity metrics. Mallory worked on a educational master plan 2015-2020 in regards to the equity metrics. For reference, go to the link - Institutional Metrics The website is:
      2. Recommendations: Review and determine what is the data showing? Then have it desegregated at the division level. How do we sit at the table where decision making is being made regarding budget? We need to consider what is scalable and review our equity plan in regards to our targeted groups. What are the students need in regards to course completion, and their engagements in regards to obtaining their degrees or having a successful transfer to a 4 year institution? In order for students to be successful, how do we remove hurdles so they can complete classes or obtain that degree?
      3. Program review is coming up and if you want any sort of funding, then it needs to be in the program review.  If people have ideas that then they can give ideas to deans and or direct supervisors, faculty directors, program coordinators.  Previous program reviews are accessible via website.
      4. Guided Pathways breaks the silos to assess our institution
      5. We are looking at things that work and then we can exponentiate what works to other areas of the campus. How do we do support services that work? How do we centralize our work more? What are the pathways that are actually being used by students on the everyday level?
      6. I keep hearing the same barriers that existed 20-30 years ago and students probably have more social barriers now then back in the day.
      7. Let’s be reflective of the basic needs survey, the academic senate and DASB senate passed resolutions regarding use of parking lot as a housing solution. However there are a lot of layers and nuances to consider when making such policies and how it actually lands at the local level, in this case De Anza campus. This type of policy will be more expensive than we think.
      8. MPS is a program that is considered successful.  
      9. In the end, we need analytical data for systems change, asking the constituents (faculty, classified, student, administrators) to provide feedback. In the last 5 years, shifting the needle has been minimal. College Planning is one body of power that can contribute towards positive change. Who from EAC members is on that shared governance? Alicia just started this week and will take feedback to the table.

    Subcommittees Report
    1. DASB/ICC: No Report
    2. Equity Champion Awards  
      1. Receiving support from Communications Team for outreach:
      2. New nomination Deadline is Friday, April 12th, 2019
      3. Feedback provided to “outreach text”
    3. Outreach Conferences
      1. March 20 Latinx High School Conferences
      2. Volunteers can reach out to Jesus Ruelas
      3. April 27th Open House
      4. Tech Advisory: No Report, Rep at meeting which is at the same time as EAC meeting

    Compassion and Care Dialogue- tabled for next meeting in Spring Quarter
    1. AB705 Challenges Conversation was tabled (2/24/19 meeting) for this meeting but was not discussed

      1. Peer Equity Training on Feb 22 was a success!
      2. Program Review is due Fri. March 22nd
      3. Equity Office:
        1. Community Care Event Wed March 20th at 11am and at 1:30pm


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