General Meeting Information

Date: October 14, 2020
Time: 1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:30 p.m.  Introductions and Welcome I Alicia Cortez
    1:45 p.m. Conocimiento Icebreaker I Alicia Cortez
    2:05 p.m.  Overview of EAC I/D Alicia Cortez & Staff
    2:15 p.m.

    De Anza Equity Framework

    I/D Tony Santa Ana
    2:25 p.m.

    Equity Priorities for the AY 2020-21

    Proposal: EAC Retreat on November 20, 2020


    Alicia Cortez
    2:45 p.m.

    Subcommittee Reports:

    • DASB/ICC  
    • DDEAC
    • Technology Advisory                                
     I/D Committee Members
    2:50 p.m.


    I All
    2:55 p.m.


    I All

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes


     Presente: Mylinh Pham, Danny Acosta, Deborah Taylor, Alicia Cortez, Lisa Mandy, Melinda Hughes, Christiana Kaleialii, Lisa Castro, Iris (Doyeon) Kim,

    Guests: Tony Santa Ana, Adriana Garcia, Erik Mendoza, Scott Olsen, Angelica Esquivel, Melissa Aguilar, Erick Aragon, Edmundo Norte, Hyon Chu Yi Baker, Cynthia Kaufman, Cheryl Jaeger Balm, Dean Chen, Leah Riley


    Meeting Items

     Introduction and Welcome

    Conocimiento Icebreaker

    Participants pair-shared using the following questions

    1. Share your full name and history behind your name
    2. Share preferred pronouns
    3. What top 1-2 equity issues do you feel and/or believe the campus should focus on?

    Some ideas: institutional support for JMRR, Securing institutional support for JMRR, Accountability and equitable leadership culture, accessing and learing via online, disability student issues, Disproportionately Impacted groups, Hiring of minority staff, Diversity in hiring, transparency in decision making (especially when big decisions are made over the summer without student and faculty communication), putting our budget decisions behind our equity rhetoric, addressing anti-Asian COVID rhetoric, promoting equity work among  those outside our usual actors (especially involving more white faculty as being central to change)

    Overview of EAC – Facilitated by Alicia Cortez

    Alicia shared EAC history and role

    De Anza Equity Framework - Facilitated by Tony Santa Ana

    Equity Office Website for Reference

    Tony presented on the campus framework created by Dr Veronica Keirffer –Lewis in her role as Faculty Director at the Office of Equity. He also shared the Student Equity Plan

    Equity Priorities for the AY 2020-2021

    FHDA Board Priorities for 2020-2021

    You can provide feedback on this form

    Subcommittees Reports

    DASB/ICC- Iris (Doyeon) Kim,    

    DDEAC –This body is gathering feedback on the Board Priorities. Tony, Edmundo, Alicia and Scott have been attending meetings

    Technology Advisory- n/a



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