General Meeting Information

Date: October 13, 2022
Time: 3:00
Location: Zoom

Zoom link:

  • Agenda

    Welcome and Introductions
    Overview of College Planning Committee
    Overview of Accreditation Process for 2022-23

    Review results of Belonging, Civic Capacity, Basic Needs and Mental Health Survey, Spring 2022: Report and Infographic

    Review of Educational Master Plan: Goals, Metrics and Evaluation

  • Minutes

    • Welcome and introductions
    • Overview of College Planning Committee –
    • Review of ISER process including writing teams, team leads and deadlines -
    • Review of results of Belonging, Civic Capacity, Basic Needs and Mental Health Survey, Spring 2022: Report and Infographic. Newell shared the overall results that are being used to inform the Educational Master Plan metrics. Highlights include:
      • 89% of respondents reported a sense of belonging at De Anza.
      • 88% of respondents indicated a rate of civic capacity for community and social change.
      • 36% of respondents indicated they experienced food insecurity in the past 12 months.
      • 40% of respondents indicated they experienced housing insecurity in the past 12 months.
      • 14% of respondents indicated homelessness in the past 12.
      • 47% of respondents indicated that mental health issues impeded their success at De Anza.

    Filipinx and white students are less likely to feel a sense of belonging or civic capacity at De
    Anza when compared to other ethnic groups. In contrast, Black and Latinx students are more
    likely to report a sense of belonging and civic capacity but experience food and housing
    insecurity, homelessness and mental health struggles.

    Among gender groups, male students are less likely than other gender categories to feel a sense of
    belonging and civic capacity and students with gender identities other than male or female are
    more likely to lack basic needs or experience mental health struggles.

    Younger students (20 and below) are less likely to feel belonging and civic capacity than other
    students in other age groups, whereas those ages 21-30 are more likely to lack basic needs and
    experience mental health struggles.

    Concerted attention and support should be diverted to our foster youth students who exhibited
    the lowest rate of belonging and civic capacity and the highest rates of basic needs insecurities
    and mental health struggles.

    • Review Educational Master Plan - Newell shared key elements of the EMP and highlighted that the role of the CPC over the next five years is to develop a plan as to how the college can ensure it is meeting its goals outlined in the plan. The work over this year will focus on developing that plan. Key areas that were shared include:
      • Rebuilding after the pandemic, pg. 20
      • Equity Plan Reimagined, pg. 21
      • Guided Pathways goals, pg. 24
      • Funding, pg. 25
      • Alignment of plans, pg. 27
      • Monitoring outcomes, pg. 27
      • Metrics lagging behind goals, pg. 29

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