General Meeting Information
Date: February 11,
Time: 10-11:20
Location: Zoom
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 10:00-11:20 Group work on Annual Program Review Updates I/D All A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Minutes [DRAFT]
Attendance, Voting Members:
Sam Bliss, Jayme Brown, Alicia De Toro, Nazy Galoyan, Lydia Hearn, Michelle Hernandez, Adrienne Hypolite, Simon Kang’a, Garrett King, Kyle Krawez, Alan Ma, Andre Meggerson, Eric Mendoza, Rob Mieso, Mallory Newell, Elvin Ramos, Aditya Sharma, Martin Varela, Erik Woodbury, Christina Wright
Absent: Mahder Aklilu, Sushini Chand, Matsuko Estrada Nakamatsu, Tim Shively
Welcome to voting members and guests.
Mallory Newell:
The voting member attendance was light. The small groups will continue their work on the program review feedback as they did last week. Mallory recommended that the groups complete 3 to 4 program reviews per week to finish on time. She suggested that group members should read the reviews outside the meeting times and be prepared for conversations around them during the Tuesday work sessions.
Assignment Spreadsheet
The assignment spreadsheet has a link for each group to access their group folder with the feedback forms for the group to complete. Rename the forms first with the names of the programs to be reviewed.
The spreadsheet also has links to the CPR comprehensive program review submissions from last year for reference. These program reviews are also posted publicly on the website.
There are links to the RAPP feedback on last year’s CPR for reference. They have not published these documents but will do so later.
Each group was assigned 16-17 annual program reviews to review. There is a separate link for each annual program review submission. Notify Mallory if there are any broken links.
Some groups were assigned CPR to review. A few programs that did not complete a CPR last year submitted them this year. The links for the CPR and review forms are on the spreadsheet.
There is a tab for questions to deans or managers about their program reviews. The tri-chairs will check and send out those questions after every meeting to get the questions answered.
The small groups may use the final tab to put down program reviews to be referred back to the full committee for review.
Questions and Clarification
Mallory asked for questions and clarifications before they started the group sessions.
Adrienne Hypolite had a question about how programs may engage with guided pathways.
Mallory, Lydia, and Sam provided some examples such as having transfer events, informational sessions on degrees/certificates in their guided pathways village to increase engagement and enrollment.
It could be related to the program map. How they would advise students to go through the pathway to attain their certificate or degree more efficiently and to reach their goals.
Another aspect of guided pathways would be scaling a program with classes in a series such as language classes that guides and prepares, thereby providing access to classes that they have not been able to offer
Small Group Work
Groups went into separate breakout rooms to review the Annual Program Review Updates. They will continue with this work and meeting format for the next 3 weeks.