From the President
Interim Vice President of Instruction
Dec. 15, 2023
Dear Colleagues,
As we wrap up fall quarter, I am very pleased to let you know that I have selected Lydia Hearn as interim vice president of Instruction. She will begin the role Jan. 1, pending board approval.
Given Lydia's 23 years at De Anza College, most of you know her in one or more of her many capacities, including:
- Faculty member and department scheduler in English
- Instructor in numerous Learning Communities, including as co-founder of REACH
- Faculty leader in collegewide initiatives including Guided Pathways; Strategic Planning and Implementation; Open Educational Resources; and in the area of professional development, co-founder of Partners in Learning
- Project director and then budget coordinator of Title III/Basic Skills grant; project director of the Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP) grant; and instructional liaison for the AANAPISI grant
- Interim dean of Language Arts
- Interim associate vice president of Instruction in 2008-10 and 2021-22
In each of these roles, Lydia has demonstrated an abiding care for students and a deep commitment to equity across the college.
Moreover, each of these positions has provided her with experience in areas crucial for the vice president of Instruction: a collegewide perspective and the accompanying vision, together with significant skills in program development and implementation; oversight of Instructional areas; enrollment management; complex budgeting; contract knowledge and negotiations, and much more.
You may recall that Lydia needed to step down from the interim AVPI role in early 2022 because of what was at the time a serious family issue. For her, her family and the college, I am very glad that she is now able to take on the interim VPI role.
I am also grateful that retiring Vice President of Instruction Christina Espinosa-Pieb has agreed, in her unending generosity to De Anza College, to stay for a period of transition.
I wish all of you wonderful holidays, and will see you in 2024.
With appreciation,