Marine Biology

Course Description

This course is a general survey of the ecosystems and diversity of life in the marine environment. It will introduce the sciences of geological, chemical and physical oceanography as the basis to understand the environment where marine organisms exist is included. A comparative approach is used to study the physiological and anatomical adaptations of the different marine organisms to their environment. This course compares the ecology of the major marine ecosystems including the epipelagic, deep sea, hydrothermal vents, intertidal, estuaries, coral reefs and polar regions. Major aspects of evolutionary, cell and molecular theory, and the scientific method are addressed throughout the course.

Class Details

CRN Course Section Days Times Instructor Loc
48365 BIOL 13 02Y ······· TBA-TBA Jason Bram ONLINE
···R··· 09:30 AM-12:20 PM S51

Class Dates: This class runs from 2025-04-07 to 2025-06-27.
BIOL 013.-02Y: This is an online lecture with an on campus laboratory class. The lecture does not have scheduled meetings and can be completed independently each week on the student's own time. The laboratory meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing. Students must have access to a computer, the internet and an individual email address. Most De Anza classes will use the Canvas course management system. We recommend a laptop or desktop computer to successfully complete the course; a tablet or phone may not be adequate for all assignments and tests. Information about Canvas and Online Education Orientation can be found in Canvas on the Student Resources page: The student online resources hub with extensive information and tips can be found at

Class Materials

Marine Biology (RRMCG) (11th Edition)
Castro © 2019
ISBN: 9781259880032
Textbook Recommended $240.00 $180.00 $70.01 $70.01

View textbook and/or other materials available at the Bookstore.

Course Details

5 Units
  • Weekly Lecture Hours: 4
  • Weekly Lab Hours: 3
Program Status
Program Applicable
Credit - Degree Applicable
Grading Method
Letter Grading

General Course Statement

General Statement
See general education pages for the requirements this course meets.

Requisite and Advisory

EWRT 1A or EWRT 1AH or ESL 5.
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