Need Help With Accounting, Economics or some Business Courses?

We offer peer tutoring and workshops to help you succeed in a variety of subjects. 

Celebrating National Latino Heritage Month: Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez was born on March 31, 1927 close to his family’s small homestead outside Yuma, Arizona. Chavez was a civil rights, Latino and farm labor leader, a genuinely religious and spiritual figure, a community organizer and social entrepreneur. At age 11, Chavez's family lost their farm during the Great Depression and they became migrant farm workers. Cesar finished his formal education after the eighth grade and worked the fields full-time to help support his family. Cesar Chavez joined the U.S. Navy in 1946 in the aftermath of World War II and served in the Western Pacific. He returned from the service in 1948 to marry Helen Fabela, whom he met while working in fields. Throughout his youth and into adulthood, Chavez traveled the migrant streams throughout California laboring in the fields, orchards and vineyards where he was exposed to the hardships and injustices of farm worker life.


Join us on campus and on Zoom in Fall 2024

Access our peer tutoring services on campus and on Zoom for the fall quarter. Online, just click the yellow button to "Join Tutoring Session," then follow the prompts on your screen to sign in and select from a list of available services. In winter, we'll also be on campus, where you can visit us in ATC 309.

Fall 2024 Tutoring Hours

Tutoring is available from Monday, September 30, to Friday, December 6. Closed for holidays on November 11, 28 & 29.

In ATC 309 & on Zoom for ACCT 1A, 1B, 1C*

  • Monday to Thursday 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • Friday 9:30 am to 12:30 pm (Zoom only)
  • Closed Saturday and Sunday

*Tutoring hours for ACCT 1C varies. Check your email or junk email for my email:

In ATC 309 & on Zoom for ECON 1 & 2:

  • Monday 10 am to 11:30 am & 4 pm to 5:30 pm
  • Wednesday 10 am to 11:30 am & 4 pm to 5:30 pm

In ATC 309 & on Zoom for Introduction to Business (BUS 10): 

  • Tuesday 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm (ATC 309 & Zoom)
  • Friday 9:30 am to 12:30 pm (Zoom Only)

Please open How to Join Zoom to see instructions how to join if you are unsure


Programs and Services

In Fall 2024, the General Subjects (Gen Sub) tutoring will take place in drop-in sessions and scheduled, weekly individual tutoring (WIT) appointments--both are available via Zoom and in-person in ATC 309. Check this page regularly to keep up to date about services and our hours of operation.

Tutors can help review your work and explain concepts that are difficult for you.

Drop-in Tutoring

Drop-in tutoring – without an appointment – is available during all hours of operation, every quarter. You are welcome to drop in for a maximum of 30 minutes per session, 2 sessions per day. 

For Zoom tutoring, use the gold button above to join a drop-in or WIT session. Once you sign in, you will be assigned to a breakout room for a one-on-one session via Zoom. For on-campus tutoring in fall, ask to be sign in on the computer at the front entrance in ATC 309 and wait to be called by your tutor.

Weekly Individual Tutoring (WIT)

In the fall, winter, and spring quarters, Weekly Individual Tutoring appointments are available on a limited basis, depending on tutor availability. If you request WIT and are assigned, use the gold button at the top of this webpage to sign in for your scheduled weekly session on Zoom. For on-campus tutoring, ask to be sign in on the computer at the front entrance and look for your assigned WIT tutor.

You and your tutor will meet once a week. During this tutoring time, you can work on areas and topics that you need help with and learn strategies to help you study the subject better on your own.

At the beginning of the quarter, click the button below for the online form to request WIT and join the waiting list to see if appointments might be possible for you ...

Accounting Final Review Workshops

  • Workshops designed to help you review and reinforce your accounting knowledge.

Accounting 1A Final Review

The quarter is almost over and finals are just around the corner. Do you still have unanswered Accounting questions? To help answer them and be more prepared for the final, accounting tutors will be holding special final review sessions during week 11 in the Gen Sub Zoom Room

Date Topic Time Where
  Acct 1A (Ch 1-4) 11:30 - 12:20 pm Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1A (Ch 5-7)   12:30 - 1:20 pm Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1A (Ch 8-9) 1:30 - 2:20 pm Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1A (Ch 1-4) 1:00 - 1:50 pm Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1A (Ch 5-7) 2:00 - 2:50 pm Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1A (Ch 8-9) 3:00 - 3:50 pm Gen Sub Zoom Room

Accounting 1A Chapters

(Chapters 1 – 4)

  • Accounting Equation 
  • Adjusting Entries 
  • Closing Entries 
  • Preparing Financial Statements 

(Chapters 5 – 7)

  • Accounting Systems 
  • Accounting for Merchandising 
  • Multi-Step Income Statement 
  • Perpetual vs. Periodic Inventory System 
  • FIFO – LIFO – Weighted Average 

(Chapters 8 – 9)

  • Bank Reconciliation 
  • Allowance and Direct Write-off Method for Uncollectible Accounts 
  • Receivables

Accounting 1B Final Review

The quarter is almost over and finals are just around the corner. Do you still have unanswered Accounting questions? To help answer them and be more prepared for the final, accounting tutors in the Student Success Center will be holding special final review sessions during week 11 in the Gen Sub Zoom Room

Date Topic Time Where
  Acct 1B (Ch. 10-12) 2:30 - 3:20 pm Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1B (Ch. 13) 3:30 - 4:20 pm Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1B (Ch. 14) 4:30 - 5:20 pm  Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1B (Ch. 15-17) 5:30 - 6:20 pm Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1B (Ch. 10-12) 1:30 - 2:20 pm  Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1B (Ch. 13) 2:30 - 3:20 pm Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1B (Ch. 14) 3:30 - 4:20 pm Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1B (Ch. 15-17) 4:30 - 5:20 pm Gen Sub Zoom Room

Accounting 1B Chapters
(Chapters 10 - 12)

  • Depreciation Method
  • Disposition and Selling of Fixed Assets 
  • Interest Bearing Notes 
  • Payroll Accounting 
  • Formation and Liquidation of Partnership (with deficiency) 

(Stocks Ch. 13) 

  • Stockholders Equity 
  • Types of Stocks 
  • Journalizing Stocks 
  • Stock Split 

(Bonds Ch. 14) 

  • Terminology 
  • Types of Bonds 
  • Journalizing Bonds 
  • Present Value of Bonds 

(Equity Costing and Cash Flow Ch. 15 -17)

  • Debt Investment 
  • Equity Investment 
  • Statement of Cash Flow 
  • Financial Statement Analysis

Accounting 1C Final Review

The quarter is almost over and finals are just around the corner. Do you still have those unanswered Accounting questions? To help answer them and be more prepared for the final, ACCT tutors in the Student Success Center will be holding special final review sessions during week 11 in the Gen Sub Zoom Room

Date Topic Time Where
  Acct 1C (Ch. 18 & 19)  10:30 - 11:20 am Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1C (Ch. 20) 11:30 - 12:20 pm Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1C (Ch. 21 & 24)  12:30 - 1:20 pm Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1C (22 & 23) 4:30 - 5:20 pm Gen Sub Zoom Room
  Acct 1C (Ch. 25 & 26) 5:30 - 6:20 pm  Gen Sub Zoom Room

Accounting 1C Chapters

(Chapters 18 & 19)

  • Cost Accounting concept
  •  Job Order Costing 

(Chapters 20)

  • Process Costing 

(Chapters 21 & 24)

  • Fixed Cost, Variable Cost and Mixed Cost 
  • Contribution Margin 
  • Break-Even Point in Units/Dollars 
  • Rate of Return on Investment  

(Chapters 22 & 23)

  • Budgets & Cost Variances 

(Chapters 25 & 26) 

  • Differential Analysis 
  • Product/Activity-Based Costing Method 
  • Capital Investment Analysis

Become a Tutor!

You can improve your own skills in communication and your favorite academic subjects by helping other students learn. We provide training – and it's fun! 


Questions? Contact Us!

Pablo Hernandez, Instructional Support Coordinator

Diana Alves de Lima, Student Success Center Co-Director

Melissa Aguilar, Student Success Center Co-Director

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