Rules for Requesting Pass/No Pass 

Here are some things to keep in mind about requesting Pass/No Pass

  • You can request Pass/No Pass for classes taken in the current quarter (or summer session) – but you must submit the request no later than the last day that the class meets this quarter or session.
  • There is no deadline to request Pass/No Pass retroactively for classes taken in
      • Winter or spring of 2022
      • Winter, spring, summer or fall of 2021
      • Winter, spring, summer or fall of 2020

(These retroactive requests are allowed under a special policy adopted in consideration of disruptions caused by COVID-19.)

Consider the Pros and Cons

Selecting Pass/No Pass may be helpful if you feel your academic performance has suffered because of disruptions related to COVID-19 and health officials’ orders to stay home. However, there can be drawbacks to choosing Pass/No Pass. To learn more about these important considerations and how to submit a request, please review the information on this webpage carefully. 

  • De Anza will not include Pass/No Pass grades when calculating your Grade Point Average.
  • However, some transfer universities may not accept Pass grades for credit or major requirements.
    • Be sure to check with your counselor or your intended transfer school.
  • If you receive a grade of Pass, you will not be allowed to repeat the course later for a standard grade at De Anza.
  • If you make the request retroactively
    • A grade of C (including C plus) or higher will be converted to Pass.
    • Any grade below C (including D and D plus) will be converted to No Pass.

How to Request Pass/No Pass

When You Register

During registration, you may choose the Pass/No Pass option online.

  • Log in to MyPortal
  • Open the Apps page and click on the Student Registration app
  • Look under "Registration Tools" and click on Registration Dashboard
  • Click to open the Register for Classes page
  • Open the Schedule and Options tab and then use the Grade Mode column to select select Pass/No Pass 

Once you select and submit the request for Pass/No Pass grading, this action cannot be reversed.

If you experience a problem with the online Pass/No Pass request, you may submit the completed De Anza Pass/No Pass form to the Admissions and Records office before the deadline for that term. 

After Registration (Current Classes)

To request Pass/No Pass for the current quarter (or summer session), you must submit the request no later than the last day that the class meets for the term.

  • Complete the electronic online De Anza Pass/No Pass form.
  • Once you submit the request for Pass/No Pass grading, this action cannot be reversed.

Retroactively for 2020, 2021 or winter or spring 2022

Here’s how to request Pass/No Pass retroactively for a class you took in

  • Winter or spring of 2022, or
  • Winter, spring, summer or fall of 2021, or
  • Winter, spring, summer or fall of 2020.

Use the Special Pass/No Pass Request online form

Special Pass/No Pass Request Form


  • If you request the Pass/No Pass option, this action cannot be reversed
  • Some transfer institutions will not accept Pass/No Pass grades.
  • Under state regulations, De Anza cannot change a Pass/No Pass grade to a letter grade.

Important Considerations

  • You should check with your transfer school to find out how they will treat courses taken on a Pass/No Pass basis.
    • While the California State University (CSU) system has adopted consistent rules for all campuses, policies still vary at private universities and at individual campuses and schools within the University of California (UC) system.
    • Graduate and professional schools – such as medical, dental or law programs – may not accept Pass grades for admission.
    • Some transfer universities may count a Pass grade as equivalent to a 2.0 when doing their own calculation of your GPA.
  • If you receive a Pass grade, you will not be allowed to take this course again.
    • If you receive a grade of No Pass, you can take the course again, subject to the usual rules that allow students to enroll in a course no more than three times.
  • A grade of No Pass means you did not complete the course.
    • This means a course may not count for transfer credit.
    • It also could affect your eligibility for financial aid or veteran’s benefits, which require you to show a minimum rate of progress each quarter. If you have questions about this, you can check with the Financial Aid or Veteran Services offices.
    • Pass/No Pass grades are not used to calculate grade point averages.
    • A grade of No Pass may be considered in determining Academic Progress and in probation and dismissal procedures, but this will not apply to NP grades received in the 2022 winter or spring quarters, or in the 2021 or 2020 calendar years.
  • Once you request the Pass/No Pass option, the change is final and you cannot go back to a letter grade for that course.

If you have any questions, check with your counselor before submitting your request.

Additional Rules for Pass/No Pass Grading

De Anza offers Pass/No Pass grading for a number of courses, as authorized by California law (Title 5) and the Foothill-De Anza Community College District board of trustees.

  • Some courses are designated in the catalog as Pass/No Pass (P/NP) courses. In those courses, a letter grade is not available. Among these classes are those with a “single satisfactory standard of performance for which unit credit is assigned.” (See Section 51302 of Title 5.)
  • For other courses, you may select the Pass/No Pass option instead of a letter grade. Under usual deadlines, you must select that option no later than the fourth week of a standard 12-week course, or no later than one third into the duration of a course that is less than 12 weeks. (See above for special rules that apply for classes taken in 2020 or 2021.)
  • You may not apply more than 30 units of credit earned with a Pass grade toward an Associate in Arts degree.
  • In most cases, you may not apply a Pass grade toward your major requirements, unless your major division lists a Pass/No Pass course on its curriculum sheets.
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