General Meeting Information

Date: January 14, 2025
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Location: Zoom (see below for information)

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:00 PM Welcome and Introductions I/D All
    2:02 PM Approval of Agenda and Notes I/D/A Armstrong
    2:04 PM Equity Rubric I/D/A Garcia
    2:24 PM

    Professional Development Day

    Proposed Date: Fri 4/25/2025



    2:34 PM

    Leadership Requests

    1. Campus Facilities
    2. Campus Center Advisory Board
    3. District Budget Advisory Committee (DBAC)



    2:35 PM
    • Leadership Reports
    • General Updates, Announcements, and News



    2:45 PM




    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]

    Meeting Minutes

    President Dennis Shannakian called the meeting to order at 2:12 PM, explaining he was late due to an important meeting with the new vice-president of business services. There was a quorum present.

    The current meeting agenda and previous meeting notes were approved by unanimous vote.

    Adriana Garcia, Shaila Ramos-GarcĂ­a and Felisa Vilaubi presented their equity rubric, which they developed to clarify behavior in the campus community. They asked for the senate to endorse it and explained its origins and purpose. Their goal is to ensure decisions are trauma-informed and mitigate harm. It is hoped all shared governance bodies will support it as well as stakeholders in senior management.

    The committee emphasized work on this rubric has been going on since the Spring of 2023.  They have already met with campus senior leadership and legal council  before completing this draft. In particular they wish to ensure the safety of future campus events. The presenters answered audience questions and listened to senators' feedback.

    After some discussion, the senate approved to fully support the rubric by unanimous vote.

    It was decided to hold professional development day on either April 25, or April 18, after several other dates were proposed and rejected. The final decision will be made by the committee planning professional development day after they consult with Foothill's planners who will also be part of the event.

    It was noted enrollment day is on April 26. It was suggested a letter be sent to managers to request their staff do the planning for enrollment day before that Friday so they could fully participate in professional development day if the event is on the 25th.

    Dennis said classified representatives were still needed for three committees: campus advisory, campus facilities and district budget advisory.

    Andre reported RAPP was currently prioritizing faculty positions and would move on to classified positions next week.

    Debee reported on the police chief's advisory committee and said they had many upcoming events on the campus calendar to engage the community. They are beginning to consider the purchase of license plate readers to better monitor parking at DeAnza. Several people mentioned their difficulties parking on campus and Debee said the same problems were mentioned in the police chief's advisory committee meetings and there was early planning to address them.

    There was some discussion about the harmful impact license plate readers could have. Also the senate had some discussion about people's parking concerns and whether free parking kept the police from funding parking lot maintenance. Debee also said the various bargaining groups were meeting to summarize their parking concerns. The result would likely be a survey to gather input across campus.

    Dennis announced the upcoming DASG elections and asked senators to publicize them to the students they served. He also said the DASG is especially interested in recruiting more disproportionally impacted students to increase the diversity of student government. He said there is now a student leader scholarship providing monetary compensation for their participation. It already is helping students spend more hours in shared governance and fewer hours on employment.

    Adriana reported at the board of trustees meeting, she represented classified senate in presenting the resolution approved by shared governance groups to increase funding for undocumented students.

    After affirmations, the meeting adjourned at 3:09 PM.

    Links in the chat

Zoom Information

  • Meeting ID: 868 5864 5754
  • Passcode: 283681
  • Meeting URL:
  • Link: Click Here for the Zoom Meeting

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