Approved Snippets


Uses: When you have a group of similar content separated by headings. Helps compress space.
Note: Add more rows to add more content

Apply Online

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Erat enim Polemonis. Nunc haec primum fortasse audientis servire debemus. Erit enim mecum, si tecum erit. Ego vero isti, inquam, permitto.

Take Placement Tests

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Erat enim Polemonis. Nunc haec primum fortasse audientis servire debemus. Erit enim mecum, si tecum erit. Ego vero isti, inquam, permitto.

Complete Orientation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Erat enim Polemonis. Nunc haec primum fortasse audientis servire debemus. Erit enim mecum, si tecum erit. Ego vero isti, inquam, permitto.

Create an Education Plan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Erat enim Polemonis. Nunc haec primum fortasse audientis servire debemus. Erit enim mecum, si tecum erit. Ego vero isti, inquam, permitto.

Accordion Numbered

Uses: When you have a series of item or steps that must be explained and want to take up less space.
Note: Add more rows to add more content

Apply Online

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Erat enim Polemonis. Nunc haec primum fortasse audientis servire debemus. Erit enim mecum, si tecum erit. Ego vero isti, inquam, permitto.

Take Placement Tests

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Erat enim Polemonis. Nunc haec primum fortasse audientis servire debemus. Erit enim mecum, si tecum erit. Ego vero isti, inquam, permitto.

Complete Orientation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Erat enim Polemonis. Nunc haec primum fortasse audientis servire debemus. Erit enim mecum, si tecum erit. Ego vero isti, inquam, permitto.

Create an Education Plan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Erat enim Polemonis. Nunc haec primum fortasse audientis servire debemus. Erit enim mecum, si tecum erit. Ego vero isti, inquam, permitto.


Uses: To show a grouping of related items/text/links with an image

placeholder default text

Student Handbook

Everything you will need to know is right here.

List Two Column

Uses: When you have a long bulleted list you want to take up less vertical space.

Three Column

Uses: When you need to layout items in a grid that is 3 even columns.
Note: Add more rows to add more content

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3


Uses: To call out a quote.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

- Testimonial Name

Blockquote (no quotation marks)

Uses: To call out a quote or animportant piece of text.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

- Testimonial Name

Info Box

Uses: To display information in the right column.

Got Questions?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Neutrum vero, inquit ille. Sedulo, inquam, faciam. Quod equidem non reprehendo; Quae est igitur causa istarum angustiarum? Duo Reges: constructio interrete.

John Smith

(555) 555 - 5555

Info Box Image

Uses: To display information in the right column with an image.

Got Questions?

placeholder default text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Idemne, quod iucunde? Tum Triarius: Posthac quidem, inquit, audacius. An eiusdem modi? Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Multoque hoc melius nos veriusque quam Stoici. In schola desinis.

John Smith

(555) 555 - 5555


Uses: To make a section of text stand out from surrounding text. 

Optional Header

Put anything in here that needs to stand out slightly from the text around it.

Be careful to make sure you put this in last. If you are going to have things afrter it, put some space (returns) there first and then add the well.

White Space

Uses: To add white space if needed.


Almost Approved Snippets


Uses: To emphaisze an important message.

Read This!!!!!

Please make sure to fill out this section. You can put a link or other items in here if you like.

Please make sure to fill out this section. You can put a link or other items in here if you like.

Please make sure to fill out this section. You can put a link or other items in here if you like.

Contact Info - Burgundy

Uses: To add contact information to the right column.

Faculty Info

placeholder default text

Jane Smith
Full-time Faculty

Underwater Basket Weaving




BFA Basket Weaving (leave blank to hide)

Department Course Catalog List

Uses: To add a departments course catalog information for the current academic year.
Note: Only displays on publish.

Courses Offered By This Department

These listings are drawn from the current college catalog. Some courses may not be offered every quarter or may not be available in the foreseeable future. Contact the academic department to find out when a course will be offered.

Course Number Course Title Units
ASTR 4 Solar System Astronomy 5
ASTR 10 Stellar Astronomy 5
ASTR 15L Astronomy Laboratory 1

Directory Custom List

Uses: To add selected users contact info to a page.
Note: Only displays on publish.
Note: Cannot be on same page as In Development - Directory Listing.
Update: Can now be used on Same page as In Development - Directory Listing
Update: Can now have multiple per page

Brandon Bailey
Writer and Editor

Faculty Course List

Uses: To display 2 quarters of classes for a specific instructor.
Note: Only displays on publish.
Update: Now links to class details

Classes I Teach

No Classes this quarter.

Horizontal Definition List

Uses: To add items and their descriptions.

Phrase 1

Description for Phrase 1

Phrase 2

Description for Phrase 2

Phrase 3

Description for Phrase 3

Phrase 4

Description for Phrase 4

 In Development - Directory Listing

Uses: To add a departments' users contact info to a page.
Note: Only displays on publish.
Note: Cannot be on same page as Directory Custom List.

View Example

Twitter Feed Embed

The Twitter Feed Embed snippet should not be used. It no longer works because of changes that Twitter has made in its application programming interface (API).

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