10th Annual
Partners in Learning Conference
Hosted by the Physical Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Division
Building Connections:
Big Ideas and Concrete Applications
Friday, March 13, 2015
8:45 AM – 4:00 PM
De Anza College, Hinson Campus Center, Conference Rooms A & B
Conference Agenda
8:00 – 8:45 AM | Registration and Breakfast |
8:45 – 9:00 AM | Conference Welcome |
9:00 – 10:00 AM | Equity Dialogue With Students |
10:15 – 11:45 AM | Session 1 Workshops |
12:00 – 1:30 PM | Lunch and Activity |
1:45 – 3:15 PM | Session 2 Workshops |
3:30 – 4:00 PM | Closing Social |
Friday, March 13, 2015
Conference Workshops
Session One: 10:15 – 11:45 a.m.
Antonio Ramirez and Paul KlumpeConcrete' Weighs Us Down: A Simplified Approach to Fostering Big Ideas
10:15 – 11:45 AM; room MCC-12 (Multicultural Center)
After discussing some of the limitations of formalized assessment processes, our panelists will discuss the benefits of informal methods, such as interdisciplinary faculty reading groups. Attendees will share their experiences of changes to teaching practice stemming from informal conversations with colleagues. This will lead to a discussion of how these kings of groups might transform our campus culture.
Joseph Ng, Cleve Freeman and Angelica Strongone
International Students at De Anza College: Debunking the Myths
10:15 – 11:45 AM; room L-46
The presentation will focus on defining the typical international student & debunking
myths, acknowledging the diversity and ideas they bring to the campus, and sharing
ways they have been able to integrate and build connections into the fabric of our
campus. We will also be discussing new ideas to involve more of the college community
to continue the enthusiasm and engagement they have on campus.
Edmundo Norte
Back By Popular Demand: Relational Resilience: Honest, Caring and Effective Dialogue
about Things that Really Matter, and, Reconnecting After a Rupture in Relationship
10:15 – 11:45 AM; Multicultural Center Conference Room
An interactive session that looks at how developing our Relational Resilience can
help us build a culture at De Anza College that is authentic, compassionate, and effective.
Veronica Neal
Can Changing My Syllabus Really Make a Difference?
10:15 – 11:45 AM: room ECOT 1 (East Cottage)
This workshop will look at how simple changes to a course syllabus can set the stage
for meaningful equity work. We will explore the personal implications and opportunities
for reflection this activity requires as well as how this practice shapes equity mindedness
in the classroom.
Sarah Lisha, Amy Leonard, Doli Bambhania, and Tom Nguyen
Summing Up Success: Linking Counseling, Reading, English, and Math
10:15 – 11:45 AM; room MCC-13 (Multicultural Center)
During this workshop, participants will learn strategies for promoting student success
through an embedded counselor. We will show you how CREM (a LinC community that links
Counseling, Reading, English, and Math) uses a counselor to help students move from
developmental English and Math courses to transfer-level in the course of a year.
Diana Alves de Lima, Jennifer Myhre, Jeff Schinske and Lori Clinchard
Meeting Students Where They Are: Strategies to Help Developmental Level Students in
General Education Courses
10:15 – 11:45 AM; California History Center
Reading, writing, math and studying are core activities of our disciplines, but many
students are underprepared for the rigors of these activities. Come experience activities
to help students develop these skills for success in your content-area classes.
Marie Bertola
Emotional Intelligence and World Languages Teaching
10:15 – 11:45 AM; room L-48
Emotional intelligence can be a powerful motivational factor and contribute to the
development of our interpersonal and communication skills and ultimately to social
success. What is the validity of such an approach in 21st language classroom in which
technology has radically changed for ever the way students and teachers interact with
each others? What activities and strategies, what teaching tools and what type of
assessment to adopt to promote self-awareness and self-confidence?
Session Two: 1:45 – 3:15 p.m.
Karl Schaffer
Where Patterns Collide: Kinesthetic Learning with Symmetry, Sequence, Mathematics,
and Dance
1:45 – 3:15 PM; Campus Center, Conference Room B
The study of pattern is central to nearly every discipline, and concepts of symmetry
and sequence can help illuminate our understandings of pattern. In this workshop we
will see how to introduce and explore sequence and symmetry kinesthetically with particular
attention to how they appear in mathematics and dance. Workshop acitivites will use
simple movement activities to lead us to making connections between a variety of classes
and disciplines.
Kanako Valencia
Accent Myths - Open Up Your Mind to Linguistic Diversity and Understand Our Students
1:45 – 3:15 PM; room MCC-12 (Multicultural Center)
Do you have an accent when you speak English? Whether you are a nonnative speaker
of English or NOT, your answer should be "YES"! The presenter will help you dispel
the myths about accents and better understand our multilingual students.
Rebecca Fouquette and Doli Bambhania
Community Building and Equity in the Classroom
1:45 – 3:15 PM; room ECOT 1 (East Cottage)
In this workshop, we will focus on developing a set of guidelines best practices to
bring more equity in the classroom. We will start with basic definitions, then move
onto groups identifying equity issues in the classroom, at our college and in our
pedagogy. Attendees will then participate in finding solutions to these issues that
are equitable.
Virginia Marquez, David Byars and Sandy Blackborow
The Affordable Textbook Challenge; Monopoly, Chutes and Ladders and Other Pitfalls
in the Student Experience
1:45 – 3:15 PM; room L-46
This interactive mash-up board game will illustrate the unforeseen hazards, challenges
and pitfalls faced by students across the spectrum. Participants will learn about
the players and their roles in the textbook purchasing game: students, publishers,
faculty and sellers. Walk away with a better understanding of how you can affect the
cost of books for De Anza College students and not leave it up to a game of chance.
Victoria Kahler
"Yes... And": Using Elements of Improv-Comedy for Collaboration with Students to Create
a Positive Environment
1:45 – 3:15 PM; California History Center
"Yes... And," the foundation of improvisational comedy, can be used when fielding
challenging comments and questions. In this session, participants will participate
in a bit of improv and develop an understanding of when and how to use "Yes... And"
in the classroom or one-to-one office interactions.
The Magic and Science of Teaching and Learning
1:45 – 3:15 PM; room L-48
This interactive workshop will outline the differences and similarities between the 3 meta theories of teaching and learning (pedagogy, andragogy, heutagogy) in relation to community college students. Participants will then fold in teaching & learning tasks, methods, techniques that foster learning (comprehension, knowledge, application, analysis, synthesis and/or evaluation) based on culturally responsive classrooms, learning styles, classroom emotional quotient, multiple intelligences, student strengths that foster learning from an inclusive engaged compelling perspective.