In case you missed them - or want to see them again - you can watch the videos shown during the college Opening Day program by clicking each video here or visiting De Anza's YouTube channel.

Opening Day Videos

Here are the four videos shown during the Opening Day program for employees on Sept. 19 – plus one more video about a member of the Class of 2024.

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MESA Grant for New STEM Cohort Program

Published: Tuesday, June 13th, 2023

De Anza has been awarded $1.55 million in state funding over the next five years for a new cohort program to support historically underrepresented students who want to transfer in STEM majors.

De Anza has been awarded $1.55 million in state funding over the next five years for a new cohort program to support historically underrepresented students who want to transfer in STEM majors.

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Grant Expands Child Development Training

Published: Tuesday, April 18th, 2023

With help from a three-year, $1.2 million state grant, De Anza's Child Development and Education Department is expanding an innovative apprenticeship program that offers students the opportunity to get paid while they work and take classes in their field.

With help from a three-year, $1.2 million state grant, De Anza's Child Development and Education Department is expanding an innovative apprenticeship program that offers students the opportunity to get paid while they work and take classes in their field.

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New Video: Easy Steps to Register

Published: Wednesday, March 15th, 2023

The latest installment in De Anza's Video Help Series (VHS) takes a light approach to showing students how to use the new course registration interface that's now available for spring quarter.

The latest installment in De Anza's Video Help Series (VHS) takes a light approach to showing students how to use the new course registration interface that's now available for spring quarter.

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League for Innovation Excellence Awards

Published: Wednesday, March 1st, 2023

Claudia Guzman, Dave Capitolo and Moaty Fayek

Three members of the De Anza College community will be honored this month with Excellence Awards from the national League for Innovation in the Community College. The recipients were selected for their outstanding service to the college.

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Author Events, Village Spaces Reminder

Published: Friday, February 3rd, 2023

De Anza is pleased to welcome two important authors who will be speaking with campus audiences next week: Attorney and activist Steve Phillips will speak about anti-racist organizing and Pulitzer finalist Tommy Orange will discuss his novel with a Puente Learning Community class.

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Honoring Student Veterans

Published: Wednesday, January 25th, 2023

A new video celebrates the creation of

A new video celebrates the creation of "Stronger Together" - a mural honoring De Anza's student veterans that was painted last fall outside the Veteran Services office in the Seminar Building on the west side of campus.

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New Village Spaces Opening

Published: Monday, January 23rd, 2023

Everyone is welcome to drop by their new Village Space for a Valentine's Day open house on Tuesday, Feb. 14. Village Spaces are physical locations on campus where students can hang out or meet with other students, faculty and classified professionals in their Village.

Everyone is welcome to drop by their new Village Space for a Valentine's Day open house on Tuesday, Feb. 14. Village Spaces are physical locations on campus where students can hang out or meet with other students, faculty and staff in their Village.

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A Great Start to Winter Quarter!

Published: Monday, January 9th, 2023

The Black Faculty, Staff and Administrators Network (BFSA) invites the De Anza College community to a special event this Thursday honoring the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. ... Plus: Funding to train future community leaders, this year's Excellence Award winners and a new mural honoring student veterans.

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Silicon Valley Reads Kickoff and Euphrat Exhibit

Published: Wednesday, November 30th, 2022

Silicon Valley Reads 2023: Journey to New Beginnings

De Anza College will host the Jan. 26 kickoff for the 2023 Silicon Valley Reads campaign, with an on-campus author event and Euphrat exhiibition tied to the theme of "Journey to New Beginnings."

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New Program: Rising Scholars

Published: Monday, November 21st, 2022

Backed by a three-year, $354,000 grant from the state, De Anza has begun making a concerted effort to provide support for students who have been incarerated or had other experience with the criminal justice system - a group that is often unrecognized in colleges and universities.

Backed by a three-year, $354,000 grant from the state, De Anza has begun making a concerted effort to provide support for students who have been incarerated or had other experience with the criminal justice system.

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