FAQs and Answers

  • What is the definition of a disability?

  • How do I know I if am eligible for DSPS services?

  • How do I learn more about DSPS services?

  • How do I apply for DSPS services?

  • How do I find out if I have a disability?

  • Must I be a student at De Anza to get a learning disability assessment at the college?

  • I am graduating from high school. How can I get services at De Anza?

  • How do I get accommodations to take placement tests at De Anza?

  • I had resource services in high school. How do I get them at De Anza?

  • What if I encounter an architechural barrier on campus?

  • Are test accommodations available?

  • How are test accommodations decided?

  • What is the best way to discuss classroom accommodations with my instructor?

  • What if the instructor seems unwilling or unsure of the appropriate accommodations?

  • Is there a student club?

  • What extracurricular activities are students with disabilities involved in?

  • Does De Anza have a program for students with Intellectual Disabilities?

  • Where do I find the Disability Informaton Student Handbook (DISH)?


 Office Contact

Kim Fukuyama
Administrative Assistant I

 Disability Support Services


(408) 864-8838

Registration and Student Services Bldg., RSS 141

De Anza College Disability Support Services Instagram click here

De Anza DSS Facebook button click or select here

De Anza DSS YouTube button click here

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